Dorothea Johnson's best-selling book brings children and grandparents together for tea time - and a bit of civility! Grandparents, this is the perfect gift for your grandchildren.
By Dorothea Johnson
With John Harney & Ann Noyes
Illustrated by Dawn Peterson
Introduction & recipes by Bruce Richardson
Dorothea Johnson's life is dedicated to equipping people with skills so that they might feel comfortable in all social settings. Her former son-in-law, Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler, calls her the "Protocol Police," but granddaughter, actress Liv Tyler, believes strongly in Gramm's advice on manners.Â
Johnson, founder of The Protocol School of Washington and Tea & Etiquette Certification, has accompanied her famous granddaughter to film sets around the world since the actress was in her mid-teens. Together, they have dined with the most influential people in the world of film. Now the glamorous cover girl-turned-film star is herself a mother of a young son, Milo.
The arrival of a great-grandson has inspired Johnson to write "Children's Tea & Etiquette" in which the main characters learn basic manners when they attend a tea party for grandparents and grandchildren. The illustrated children's book features simple lessons in shaking hands, giving introductions, making eye contact, picking up a napkin, brewing and drinking tea, and writing a thank you notes, all the things grandparents can sometimes achieve more easily than parents.
Published by Benjamin Press
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