The worlds best multi-purpose scrubby.Clean your kitchen & bathroom from top to bottom with this incredibly versatile scrubby. The euroSCRUBBY makes clean up fast and easy, plus it’s safe for almost all surfaces!
Where you can use your euroSCRUBBY
The Kitchen – non-stick pots and pans, glass/cermaic cook-tops, cookware, and even root vegetables!
The Bathroom – porcelain, marble and tile, and glass shower doors
Outdoors – Garden tools, furniture, boats and pools.
Bonus Features – Made in Europe, Environmentally Friendly and Dishwasher Safe
- Can be used on cooktops, sinks, countertops, as well as marble, tile & glass surfaces
- Safe for stainless steel and non-stick cookware and utensils
- Use and Care : Machine washable.
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