Leave your hands feeling soft, smooth, and nourished with this shea-butter, argan oil, and sea nutrient-enriched hand cream featuring a refreshing and invigorating scent with sparkling marine notes.
The ocean is a place of wonder and magic. Its energy is the inspiration for Inis the Energy of the Sea. Since 2001, Inis has been the core funder of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group - dedicated to the protection, conservation and better understanding of dolphins and whales in Irish waters and around the world. Their work helps ensure that the seas of the world will continue to be a source of delight and joy for generations to come.
- 2.6 fl. oz.
- Shea-butter, argan oil, and sea nutrient-enriched
- A refreshing and invigorating scent with sparkling marine notes that instantly make you feel happy and transport you to your favorite place by the sea
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