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3.5oz Cacao Lavender Mint Drinking Chocolate

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Flying Bird Botanicals combines heirloom lavender, peppermint, vanilla bean, and raw cacao to create the perfect cocoa powder for making hot chocolate! Heirloom refers to the traditional way of growing...

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Flying Bird Botanicals combines heirloom lavender, peppermint, vanilla bean, and raw cacao to create the perfect cocoa powder for making hot chocolate! Heirloom refers to the traditional way of growing a plant, without large-scale production.
  • Made with fair trade and organic ingredients
  • Reusable tin made with recycled steel
  • Simply add 1 tbsp cacao to 8 oz of milk or water. Stir and enjoy!


Organic Raw Cane Crystals, Organic Raw Cacao Powder, Organic Lavender Powder, Organic Vanilla Bean, Organic Peppermint Essential Oil, Organic Lavender Essential Oil

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  • Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis.
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  • Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
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