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English Breakfast Pound


1lb bag Ingredients: Premium black tea This full-bodied blend of rich, black Keemun teas pairs well with both savories and sweets at breakfast. Moving from coffee to tea? You might want to start here....

1lb bag Ingredients: Premium black tea

This full-bodied blend of rich, black Keemun teas pairs well with both savories and sweets at breakfast. Moving from coffee to tea? You might want to start here. Drink it with or without milk.

What is English Breakfast Tea?


Despite its name, the first English Breakfast Tea was created in New York in the nineteenth century. An article in the trade magazine "Journal of Commerce" explains how Richard Davies, an English apothecary from Hull, founded a small tea company in New York and, in 1843, made a new mix of teas using China Congou, Flowery Pekoe, and Pouchong. He called it English Breakfast, and sold it at 50 cents per pound. The public apparently loved it and as demand grew, other retailers created their own version of this now world-famous blend. We use only robust Keemun tea from Anhui Province for our English Breakfast.

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