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15mL Essential Oil- Eucalyptus


Therapeutic grade, single essential oils can be used on their own or combined with complementary oils to create custom blends. Each essential oil is specifically profiled to impart unique aromatherapy...

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Therapeutic grade, single essential oils can be used on their own or combined with complementary oils to create custom blends. Each essential oil is specifically profiled to impart unique aromatherapy benefits. Essential oil singles can be enjoyed aromatically using a diffuser. Airome essential oils are sourced from local farms all over the world. We have made it our mission to discover which area produces the highest quality botanicals, and to secure a regular supply of these ingredients to ensure we always provide the best nature has to offer. From Paraguay to Bulgaria, we are grateful for the contributions of regional farms who provide the benefit of wellness for everyone. Our P.L.A.N.T. Promise: Pure, Lab Tested for Quality, All-Natural, Non-GMO, Therapeutic Grade.

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